An overview of Beacon Hill Pool's competition teams.

Swim Team 6+
The swim team practices and races in different age groups. There is a place for everyone! It is all about fun, team spirit and personal improvement. There are practices 5 days a week. We do some fitness, technique work, speed work and some play time as well. Every Wednesday evening we have a dual meet against another ALPs pool. These are very exciting, fun and friendly competitions. Swimmers of all skill levels compete. These meets are followed by a fun day at practice on Thursdays. The summer wraps up with Section finals, which we are hosting this year, and ALPs finals. Section finals is a very important meet for everyone to come out to score points for Beacon Hill Pool or just to cheer us on. This meet, combined with the dual meet results, determines which section, A, B or C, we race in in the following summer. ALPs finals is more about individual competition and pride.
Synchro 8+
Synchronized swimming is for girls and boys (yes, we have a BOYS team!) looking to meet other kids the same age and work together to make a final routine they can be proud of. If you like to swim and to dance, this is for you. Try-outs will take place the first week the pool is open. This is to place the kids in the appropriate team according to age and skill/experience. There are practices 4 days a week. It is important to make as many practices as possible so as to not fall behind or to affect the entire team's performance. There are solos, duets and teams of varying age categories. The competitions are all in August.

Diving 6+
If you are a little bit of a dare devil, looking for a challenge, you should try the diving team. You can learn everything from a well executed front jump to a reverse 1 1/2 somersaults. Our coaches will guide you with technical corrections and progressions to improve your diving and increase your list of dives. There are practices Tuesday to Friday and competitions on Sundays against other ALPs pools in the form of dual meets. There are also ALPs diving finals in August.
Water Polo 10 & under, 11+
A great team sport for boys and girls aged 7-16. Boys and girls usually practice together. The games are mixed for the younger ones and separated girls and boys for the 14 and 16 and under games. The practices consist of some fitness, some drills and some game situations. Kids can learn to tread water, catch, throw, shoot and swim with a ball, goal keeping, defend, play positions and set up plays. They will also learn good sportsmanship, teamwork and rules of the game. There are 4 practices per week and games on Mondays and Thursday evenings for 14 and under and 16 and under. 10 and under and 12 and under children have a few tournaments to play in over the summer.